How to import contacts into the Clients | CRM area from an Excel File




How to import into the Clients | CRM area from an Excel file.


Follow these directions to import from an Excel file:

1. If starting from scratch, download the following blank Excel template:

<html><a href="">Download Version 220 Excel Template (requires SAGE Workplace Windows app v19.5 or later)</a></html>

If you have existing contacts in CRM, export your existing data by clicking on Tools | Export Clients instead.

2. Use the template or your existing clients export as a guide in creating your own file or add your information directly to the template after deleting the sample data (leave the colored header rows in place).  When creating your import file, please be sure to follow these guidelines:

- ALL columns in the spreadsheet must remain intact and in order.  Do not delete any columns or re-order columns as this will cause improper importing.

- The red columns are client company records, the blue are office records, and the green are contact records.  You can have multiple office records and contact records for each client company.  To create multiple offices for a client, duplicate the blue company columns on a new row and then add the new office information for the blue columns.  Likewise, to assign two contacts to a particular office, duplicate both the red and blue columns on a new row and just change the green contact columns as needed for the two records.  See the sample data as an example.

- For “True/False” fields you may use the values “True/False”, “Yes/No”, or “1/0” (1=True/Yes, 0=False/No).  These are not case sensitive.

- Each client company can have ONE main office that is indicated with a "Yes" or "1" in the Main Office column.  Each client company can have ONE main contact that is indicated with a "Yes" or "1" in the Main Contact column. 

- See the second row of the template for special notes or expected values for each field.  Fields marked Read Only are only exported from existing contacts, and not imported.

- If using an export of existing data. Do not change anything in the fields ClientID, OfficeID, or ContactID.  These are used to match the record to the existing contact.  Leave these field blank for new records.

3. You must be running SAGE Workplace Windows app v16 or higher in order to import using this template.  If you have an older version, the file will not import.  In that case, please contact SAGE Support at 800.925.SAGE opt. 3 or email to get the latest version.

4. We suggest you be logged in as the user that you want to own the clients. Each client has an "owner" and a "rep".  If the owner is not specified then the logged user is assigned.  Note that you can set the access permissions for your imported clients using the options in the import area as well as the Private column in your spreadsheet.  By default, the assigned account reps can access the client.  If you want to assign record to another user instead of the currently logged in user be de user the sheet include the -name- (not the ID) of the user you want (i.e. a name from the same list you see in the Project Dashboard | Filters | Account Owner drop down list).

5. Import your file by going into SAGE Workplace Windows app and selecting Tools | Import Clients from the top menu.  Select Excel/CSV and select your file.  The records will be displayed on the screen.  Make sure that the fields match up with the headers at the top of the columns.  Then choose Select All and click Start to start the import.

Type: How To Publish Date: 6/25/2006 11:45:32 PM
Applies To: Online Last Updated: 1/17/2025 11:25:01 AM
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